so far i've been watching 4 movies and there are :
Hmmm... okay here goes. Antara suma empat movie ni, which do you think is my favourite?
tettttttt... vetol.. its Blue Valentine !!!
Seyesly tho.. i did not felt any deep emotion as blue valentine. The feeling of love of Dean to Cindy. And i said to a dear friend of mine right after watching it, i said "ada tak lelaki macam Dean? Sya nak dua tapau satu".. Cinta Dean sangatlah mendalam. Ini lah yang bagi saya cinta untuk kehidupan. He's living his life as for his family. His wife (Cindy) and his daughter (Frankie).. Even dia ada thousand of hidden talent, he choose not to explore all of it because he knew it will not gives him what he plan of not having at the first place which is his wife and daughter (she's NOT his daughter !!!!) Aku paling suka time they having dinner at the Future Love Room.. the conversation... God !!!! taken my mind... out of this world... let me check if i can find the script...
DEAN : Like what?
CINDY : I don't know... isn't there anything you want to do?
Dean thinks about it. Shakes his head.
DEAN : What am I supposed to want to do?
CINDY : I don't know... You have so many things you could do. You're good at everything. You could do anything you wanted.
DEAN : I just wanna be with you.
( yang dalam script, yang dalam movie jauh lebih baik...)
for the full movie review, you can go check it HERE.
Nanti free2 lagi, aku nak tengok sekali lagi..Blue Valentine...
Hmmm.. movie yang lain, aku nangis jugak tapi tue laa tak sehebat Blue Valentine. For example, Elizabethtown. Dia cerita pasal kasut. Kasut yang pada sangkaan suma akan cipta sejarah hebat. But it turn out tak. Its a disaster. Cari2 jalan pulang.. Jalan2 jumpa gadis bertopi merah.. Dan mereka bersama bersayang.. Huh..
Remember Me..Cerita pasal mati. Dia tak boleh terima hakikat abang dia bunuh diri on his brother 22 birthday. Dan bergaduh betumbuk hingga jumpa gadis kecik molek yang konon faham apa yang dia lalui. Bla bla bla.. akhirnya dia berdiri di bangunan 9/11. Dan mati di tempat kejadian. Ohoho.. rupanya ni cerita 11/9.. Haku tertipu...
Black Swan. Makkkk kiiahhhhh.. aku tengok kul 12 lebih pagiii... Aku confuse tgk cerita ni sebab..bagi aku cerita ni macam cerita hantu.. Seram aku tengok.. Susah sangat kah nak jadi Black Swan.?? Sampai nak gila bagaaiii... Mungkin sebab didikan mak dia kot.. Kesian dia on that age still doing that ehem22 thing to feel alive.. (lalalalalalalalalala...)
Okay bai.. Hari ni nak gi Gaya Street.. Nak g Kay Kay... Macam di KK..sumanya macam di KK...lalalalalalalla....
nice... hehe..